It is easy to see the Liguria region on the Italian map - it stretches in amazing crescents along the entire Gulf of Genoa, located in the north-west of the country. The Italians rightly call Liguria the real Riviera of Flowers. In Europe, this Italian resort is considered one of the most picturesque. There are a lot of resorts in Liguria - they are located at a distance of only 30 kilometers from each other on the coast of the Ligurian Sea.
Alassio is considered by Italians to be the most elegant and luxurious resort town. It is here that the brightest and noisiest club parties take place, it is here that famous guests from all over the world come, it is here that the most luxurious beaches are located. Only 12 thousand people live in the seaside town - not so much by the standards of the metropolis. By the way, there are many sandy beaches in Alassio - this is a real rarity for the Ligurian coast. Real estate in Alassio today is very popular with Russian buyers.
Firstly, this resort is located in the center, where several rail links intersect at the same time - it is very easy to get here, regardless of which Italian airport you flew to. For example, from the capital of the country you can get to Alassio by train in just 2.5 hours - the town is located about 250 km in a north-westerly direction. And the road from Genoa to Alassio takes no more than an hour and a half. If you arrive in Sanremo by rail, you can get to your accommodation in just 40 minutes. and just 50 kilometers from Alassio lies the French border. If desired, and the presence of a Schengen visa, it will be possible from time to time to wind up on vacation in Nice or Monte Carlo. Buying real estate in Alassio is the dream of those Russians for whom the climate is of great importance.
Alassio is distinguished by the presence of fairly dry resorts. There is practically no precipitation on the coast during the year. It is for this reason that it will be possible not to get out of your own house or apartment even in winter. Living in Alassio on the Ligurian coast is most pleasant from June to September: the air and water temperatures during this period are almost the same - from 21 to 24 degrees Celsius. In the middle of summer, the thermometer often remains at around +32 ° C.
The favorable climate contributes to the creation of a unique atmosphere and natural conditions in Alassio. Cypresses, palm trees, exotic flowers and olive trees are constantly blooming here. Thanks to this, the town is almost buried in greenery throughout the year.
Ref. 5717
Ref. 4481
Ref. 4379
Ref. 4355