If you have decided to buy property on the Cote d'Azur in Italy, then you are probably aware of the full responsibility of this event. And, of course, you would like to see a person who will help you not only find your dream apartment, but also save money.

How to choose a real estate agent on the French Riviera and in Italy?

1. Be sure to ask the realtor if he works with real estate all the time, or is engaged in activities of this kind as a side job from time to time. Our real estate agency is located in San Remo in the Liguria region of Italy. In fact, we have been dealing with real estate in this region for a long time, we know many Russian-speaking real estate agents well. And we are well aware of how rich the real estate activity is, how much it requires attention to itself, constant analysis of the Italian market, the study of innovative technologies and sales methods. We can say from our own experience that it is simply unrealistic to combine real estate activity in Italy with something else.

If a person tells you that he is a real estate agent just for fun, that he has a main job - you should not expect a high level of professionalism in the provision of services. Even if such an agent asks a lower price for his services. Another feature of Italy is the presence of intermediaries. Multi-layer real estate mediation is a normal practice here. People often negotiate with real estate companies to attract clients for a certain fee. What does this mean for you? Usually, everything ends with an increase in the cost of services for you: after all, the agency needs to “recapture” the commission that they gave to the intermediary for you.

2. If you have already searched for real estate on the coast of France or Italy in Liguria, then you have probably come across recommendations more than once on the net to look for a reliable Russian-speaking real estate agent through friends and people you can trust. On the one hand, this makes sense, but on the other... Imagine that your friend bought an apartment in the North of Italy with the help of some agent. At the same time, she was quite satisfied with the fact that the agent was sometimes delayed, did not always come to the screenings, did not call back at a certain time, as promised. Perhaps a friend did not notice this, but are you ready to "forgive" such trifles?

It is unlikely that you will feel comfortable with a non-punctual person if you yourself are very serious about agreements. When receiving recommendations from acquaintances about a real estate agent, try to clarify exactly what features of a professional realtor he liked, how a person solved emerging problems, etc. It would be better if you contact several agencies on the Ligurian coast (since you want to buy property here) and get to know several agents, find out as much information about them as possible, read reviews about their work online. Any more or less professional agency will take care of the reputation in Italy, and Russians always know the names of good agents.

3. Pay attention to how this or that agent speaks about his colleagues. Any envious sayings, irritable notes in the voice only indicate that the person himself is not very successful in his activities. This is definitely not to be trusted. And he certainly has little work, since collecting gossip and talking about bad colleagues takes time. In general, I think you understand what we are writing about!

4. You can evaluate the professionalism of an agent by learning how he works. For example, our agency deals exclusively with real estate in Liguria and the Cote d'Azur of France, and not as the bulk of intermediary agencies throughout Italy.

This is the Ligurian coast of Italy and France. We have neither the desire nor the opportunity to spread throughout the country, but we know the local real estate market perfectly. This speaks of professionalism.

5. Pay attention to the cost of services in the agency. Of course, everyone loves to save money. However, there are average prices for the services of a realtor in Italy. A professional will not engage in dumping - these are the features of beginners and "amateurs".

6. It is very IMPORTANT that the agency you want to trust has an office and a fixed location. Beware of anyone who works in apartments or who meets you in a cafe or a third-party real estate agency. Any self-respecting agency should have an office with staff, advertising, a personal website, etc.

I hope you liked our short article and you already know approximately what to do when choosing Italian or French Russian-speaking real estate agencies!